Saturday, June 3, 2017

7B-4 Bath Bombs

Our project was Eco-friendly bath bombs! Our goal was to show people that not all cosmetics have to be made of harmful chemicals and that you can help the environment just by using Eco-friendly bath bombs.

We were first inspired by Ms.Mitchell, she taught us about the atomic bomb models, which gave us the idea that we should do something explosive. Actual bombs were too dangerous so we thought that we would do scented bath bombs!

In the beginning, we had ALOT of trouble deciding what we were going to do for the maker fair but in the end, we all decided that we wanted to do something with molds, and something that smelled great. We were considering candles, but then we chose bath bombs because we wanted something explosive.

Once we had our idea together, all we needed was the ingredients;baking soda, epson salt,corn starch, citric acid,olive oil, essential oils, food coloring and water. Once we had all of those, we started by mixing together all of the dry ingredients in a clean bowl. Then we got a separate bowl and mixed together all of the wet ingredients. After that, we put the dry mix and the wet mix together, and stirred it around. Once we had the final mix, we packed it tight into a pre-made mold and waited for a couple of minutes for the mixture to settle. Next we took it out of the mold and just dropped it into water.

The most exiting thing we learned was the chemical reaction in the bath bomb that makes the bath bomb fizz.

If we had more time, we would probably would make other scented bath bombs with more colors and we would make more creative molds.

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